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Grab the Geometric Line Art Bundle!

Special one-time offer, only $3
Use these single line patterns as another way to add heat foiling to your base material. I especially like how these look on vinyl.

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A Silhouetter's Guide to Heat Foiling$15

Learn how to heat foil using the Silhouette Heat Pens and the foil quill on any Silhouette brand cutting machine.

  • Silhouette heat pen setup: Learn how to correctly set up and use the Silhouette heat pens.
  • Foil Quill Setup: Learn how to use Third-party pens like the Foil Quill with any Silhouette cutting machine.
  • Create Projects: Once you learn the basics, it is time to get crafting. there are 5 projects with cutting files (SVG and Silhouette Studio file formats) provided in this e-book. We cover cardstock, vinyl, ribbon, and faux leather
  • Master Supply List: Create alongside me using the same materials I'm using. The supply list includes Amazon links to the products I use to create these crafts.
  • Gain Inspiration: Whether you're new to Heat Foiling or Looking for new Project ideas, this heat foiling e-book is sure to delight you.

  • Total payment
  • 1xA Silhouetter's Guide to Heat Foiling$15

All prices in USD
